Saturday, July 26, 2008

Party In The Park Was Great!

Good evening- My daughter and I had the chance to attend Party in the Park sponsored by Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District this afternoon (Saturday, July 26, 2008). At the Party, there are kids activities, food, games, music, a car show, and more. If you can make it next year, we would recommend this event. Check your Beaverton newspaper or the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation web site for next years details. See you next year!

Pictures From the Party in the Park


Anonymous said...

Sounds like quite the festivity!

Anonymous said...

Hi Justin- It was a great day. We had to go back twice in one day.
Thank you for your comment,

Anonymous said...

I guess it was just too good to stay away!!! Your pictures have made me feel as if I were standing next to the golden trophies myself!!!

Anonymous said...

Justin- After the work that you have assisted here, you deserve a table of golden trophies!

Anonymous said...

I'm just in awe that you responded to my email since you get thousands of comments every day!

Anonymous said...

Justin- Put the awe into awesome, and that is what you are. Thank you for taking the time away from your blogging in getting back to me.

Anonymous said...

I am greatly honored kind sir...

Anonymous said...

Hi Justin- The honor is to have this blog that has been set up. Keep up the good work.